Justin Muskett

Development – Deployment

PingViewer — 2024

A network visualization tool that displays “ping” in an intuitive graphical interface. Able to overlay games with an always-on-top feature. Deployment to Steam is accomplished with automatic CI/CD.

Space Station 13 — 2019-2025

One of the most popular open-source multiplayer games ever. Contributed for 2 years, then became a maintainer and maintained the repository for another 4 years. Collaborated with other developers & made gameplay balance decisions on a team.

References available at request from CEO & head developers.

Our Space Station 13 repository can be found here

Other Open Source — 2019+

Regularly published my own tools to give back to the open-source community. Contributed to other repositories by submitting issues, reviewing code, and contributing my own code.

My repos can be found here

Luna — 2023

Short single-player game for Ludum Dare 53. Terrain is procedurally generated. The player must utilize a jetpack and physics-based flares to navigate the rough terrain and deliver an artifact.

This Website — 2025

Designed in WordPress, containerized with Docker, proxied with NGINX, signed with Let’s Encrypt. WP database powered by MariaDB.

Justin Muskett
+1 (609) 872-8605

New Jersey, USA